August Horoscopes: The Still and the Shed
August is a month to recalibrate. Spring was an impact and Fall is an activation. Take this moment as the blessing of reprieve. The eight of swords comes to mind, whether you feel bound or swaddled by its ribbons. This card’s visual story reminds me of a dog wound in its own leash. In panic, it moves faster and worsens the feeling of constriction…only when the dog holds still does it allow the gentle undoing. Whether wonderful or unbearable, pressure full or oddly vacant, be fully present with your present. You do not have to struggle to shed.
This highly lunar month opens with the visionary full moon in Aquarius on the 1st. This moon is a call for belonging, but its surrounding transits may inflate our systems of defense and tint our thoughts with pessimism. Hold these conflicting energies with the clarity and satirical wit of James Baldwin (born August 2nd).
The loving New Moon in Leo on the 16th aligns as Venus speaks to Chiron, soothing old wounds of neglect and shame. In our efforts to be seen and known we may become puffer fish, growing big to garner attention. Know that your smallest self is worth the spotlight.
All the while the Sun, Venus, and Mars dance with the outer planets - this waltz is a cool-headed negotiation. Venus retrograde dries up the lakes of affection so we can really see what’s lying in that bed. Mars moving through Virgo and Libra favors finesse over aggression, even when facing the giants Neptune and Pluto. When Mercury stations retrograde on the 23rd, everything is up for review: our habits and health, our ways of thinking and ways of working. We make wisdom from scratch.
We end with the Blue Moon in Pisces on the 30th, a moment that asks for tender security. Conjunct Saturn as Venus cozies up to committed Juno, this moon wants us to melt into solid containers. We are soft, tender, blue.
Yes, there are tasks to complete. Yes, there are mountains to climb. Yes, there are truths contemplate. Yes, you have already completed your most important mission - to exist.
— August Horoscopes —
This month pulls you to and fro between connection and isolation. Don’t try to decide - play a passive role and your intuition will steer you. Let the tulip of your heart open and close.
You may feel the instinct to pull in tighter, raise the drawbridge and hold your young close. Power waxes and wanes, but we often resist the dip out of fear. Let any wild thoughts reveal themselves as shadow puppets.
This Pisces Blue Moon is the spot lit monologue at the height of your play. What does it feel like to put it all out there, not knowing how you’ll be received? Can you bear your heart to an empty room?
The Moon’s pull is strong, and you know these tides by heart. Be the teacher and the leader - what wisdom can you grant to those around you navigating this vast and open sea?
Experience a full reintegration of the self. Gather your strewn about bits: the parts you left in sophomore year and the new trinkets that hint towards the future. Crash your Lego tower and rebuild.
Venus rewinds through the land you’d rather hide as your ruler Mercury slows and turns. This month may play you clips of love lost and the persons you once hoped to be. Release it all now - there’s much more coming to call in.
Venus meets the heart of the Sun on the 13th. On this, her fated day, sit with your palms facing up on your lap and listen in. Her recent chats teach a master class in your powers of connection, far more art than science.
Your journey to self-mastery must include routines of joy. The glow you emit to others begins with warmth in your own heart. Tend to any fires that have dimmed and light your love of living. Sparks will fly.
Find joy and comfort in your neighborhood, in your home, and in your own peaceful bed. The Leo New Moon on the 16th may ignite a travel plan, but make sure your returns feel as welcoming as possible. Nest.
Innovate, read, and write. Take up the mind of the student to find joy in learning something new. There is so much ahead of you when you release the mantle of expertise.
Between now and November 24, your power dips between solitude and embodied presence. Until then, let Venus clean up codependence, let Uranus dislodge old stories, and let Saturn declutter. You are steadily morphing.
Your blue moon at months end will be a major cleanse. With Venus retreating through your 6th house of health and Saturn in your first house of body, you may be feeling run down. Welcome rest. Welcome twilight. Your big shine is soon to come.