October’s Vision & Horoscopes
Key Dates
10.3 Mercury Direct
10.9 Full Moon in Aries
10.22 Venus conj. The Sun, Saturn Direct
10.25 New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Scorpio
10.30 Mars Retrograde Begins
Tarot Cards
The Chariot | Three of Swords rx | Two of Wands
The Vision:
A ring of fire forms and spins but does not burn. The full moon in Aries conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer - 10.9. We stop running for a moment and find that the villain we’ve been fleeing is far more mundane than we’d imagined. Push him over.
Justice, the card of Libra season, carries a sword for a reason. Balance does not come without skill and this sword is drawn. Listen to the rain fall and you will know how karma works. Inevitable. Impartial. Gradual. Unstoppable.
Mercury, Saturn, and Pluto station direct this month. Do not resist momentum as it carries you and as it jerks to a halt. The undulations of time have a rhyme and a reason - even if you do not know why, you are wedded to this rhythm. Waltz together. Shift with the seasons. Do not stop the dance, but learn to glide and your feet will never tire.
The Sun, Moon, and Venus align in Scorpio for the new moon solar eclipse at dawn - 10.25 6:48am EST. The night before, find a time to sit in still meditation. Be silent and let the subtle pieces of your inner ear pick up on the angels’ sayings. This is a night to open. This is a night to merge with the Goddess. This is a night to be alone with the One. (Hozier - To Be Alone With You)
Methods of divination can help you piece it together the next day, but allow yourself to be unsure until the moment after you fall asleep.
Venus and the Sun keep close all month as they trine Saturn + Mars, and square Pluto. These connections possess power and pain - the icons of sex are often alone.
Venus and the Sun align in Libra 10.22 and, hand-in-hand, step into Scorpio 10.23.
Set beauty ablaze.
Aries - You hate to be kept still, a full-grown tiger pacing in a cage. Define what patience is for you. Is it faith in motion? A balancing posture? A single card barely held between two fingers?
Taurus - The charging bull is unafraid of gore…it would rather be put to death than let the red flag escape. Before you lay down your life, know whether you’re fighting for passion or for principle.
Gemini - With your ruler now direct you want to make up for “lost” time. Have at it! Hack away at life like a toddler wrecking a piñata.
Cancer - I’m not calling you a liar…but something is off. Are your motives clear to you and to those involved? Is there anything you’d stand to lose by truly speaking your mind?
Leo - Burning, burning, burning. You want the hedonistic bliss of Studio 54, riding a white horse onto the dance floor. Cool it down, but make it sexy. *Fans*
Virgo - Who do you guide and who helps you heal? When do you conquer, when do you kneel? You take many deep bows this month - some in recognition and some in apology. Applause resounds.
Libra - What’s this? The proverbial tin man, you are surprised to hear the beating of your own heart. Attachment and emotion are two different things - let love rule.
Scorpio - Negotiation before force. Diplomacy flows easily when you know what you have to offer. Withholding is strategy.
Sagittarius - Playing hopscotch and tic-tac-toe. Maneuvering an old rope bridge. Your next steps must be thoughtful - you know how to make this fun.
Capricorn - Admire what you have in contentment. Know what bliss it is to be unbothered. Wear a regency-era ballgown to eat your breakfast toast.
Aquarius - You lovely archaeologist, what will you discover? You may come across gold in the midst of looking for dinosaur bones. Let the treasure find you.
Pisces - The alchemist of bliss, turning sorrow into joy at any moment. Remain malleable and remember the ultimate direction of your shapeshifting.