September Horoscopes: The Amphibious Self

The gators are waiting in the water, the dandelions float above.

The gators are waiting in the water, the dandelions float above. Scaly rows congregate to form a sigil only the stars can see. You climb to catch a glimpse and they disappear at once, slick into the murky green bay.

September’s astrology challenges our concept of Self when the Sun, symbol of the mind and spirit, runs the gauntlet in two waves. The New Moon gets practical in Virgo, Pluto returns to Capricorn in a final revue, and we melt into an ethereal lunar eclipse in Pisces.

Pluto returns to Capricorn from September 1st to November 20th, marking the end of a 16-year era and the United States’ Pluto return. The stakes are high and the devil deals in fear…beware the shadows in your mind and make puppets of them if you can. Most of all, try not to get in karma’s way.

Mars moves into Cancer on the fourth and carries the motto ‘the best offense is a good defense’. This transit may have us feeling unexpectedly patriotic, whether we pledge our allegiance to nation, family, or the four walls of a studio apartment. Take note of increased language around defense, protection, home base, and aggression done in the name of care. When the Sun opposes Saturn on the seventh and squares Jupiter on the twelfth, we find ourselves like Alice in Wonderland - changing scale at a rapid pace. Venus trines Jupiter on the fourteenth and the planets of love and plenty gift us a brief reprieve.

The mystical lunar eclipse in Pisces on the 17th is both an ending and an era of beginning. The hidden moon aligns with its ruler Neptune as Mars activates the lunar nodes, creating a spiritual portal and a chance to reset our relationship to the divine. Words fail me as I look to this lunation. Many will feel nothing, but those who have been searching for some time may find more than their hearts could hope for. (Join me that evening for Sublime: A Higher Power of Reiki to be deeply present with this energy).

Identity questions peak again the 19th-21st as the Sun makes aspects to Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, forces that bend space and time. Uranus’ epiphanies, Neptune’s illusions and miracles, and Pluto’s metamorphic powers all challenge the ways we’ve come to define ourselves. Who are we, why do we ask this question so often, and what do we hope to gain with its answer?

The Sun enters Libra on the 22nd as Venus squares Pluto and enters Scorpio, the goth goddess welcoming Fall with black roses. Mars trines Saturn on the 29th and calls back to the energy of the Mars-Saturn square from August 16th. There are battles ongoing and powers that won’t yield without sustained effort. No nation is invincible, no empire lasts forever. The gators are waiting in the water, the dandelions float above.

— September Horoscopes —


Your new moon is solid and sparse, an empty house with a hot glue gun. If you feel you have less than you need, enchant your mirrors. Gaze into your own eyes and find the answers hidden in your reflection.


Let your solar year wind down in reflection and contemplation. You are the guardian of your season and your very presence holds the shift from growth to decay. An arabesque en pointe and the hundreds of tiny muscles it takes to hold perfectly still - that is your service.


Sans feet, sans eyes, guide yourself by scent and sense alone. A stirring in your sacral, an itch of right and wrong in the cavern of your throat. When the path is unlit we find our way forward through the form, the way a sleeping body naturally turns towards its lover. Don’t forget that you are better at this than most…


Colored dots of candy invite you to taste, follow a breadcrumb trail that leads to a beautiful waterfall. Your next steps feel more like skittles than a rich feast. Embrace the minute and the dots will all connect in the end.


Capricorn is symbolized by the Devil card in tarot - not because of any evil, but because your sign understands the power of challenge and the mastery of self-discipline. When Pluto returns to your sign he arrives as a philosopher – still, present, and asking you to observe him in his wholeness. What appears grey, hunched, or putrid contains a world of wisdom.


Do you have images of land, vast horizons, or seascapes, views you wish to call your own? Do you know truly how it feels to want, to have, and to need? There is interdependence written into this month in shared funds and collaborative resources. Wherever you wish to go make sure your community knows - you aren’t the only one searching.


Your path is lined by natural crystal towers and you carry geodes in your eyes. Your heart is a cave of malachite where selenite sparkles drip from the roof. This month speak in light language and dream in healing sigils. The energy you encounter will take time to be made manifest, but know that what you are feeling is real.


With your ruler Mars in fall you are temporarily headless, a gecko waiting to grow your limbs anew. This eclipse highlights sacred isolation and asks you to feel into the between spaces. Purgatory is neither heaven nor hell, unless you make it so.


Count the ripples on your fingertips until you fall sleepy. See your own nostalgia made plain in the rings of a tree. This month opens in earth, stay grounded and your search for glory will become clear.


The Pisces eclipse falls on you soft as rain. Perform a ceremonial dance to welcome its blessings. Devote yourself to the cosmos with the spirits of grace and entertainment. The sacred jester must always be brilliant in their truth.


A fox has found its way into your hearth, don’t chase it away too soon. Let it warm itself by the fire and lap up a bowl of soup. It will drop a treasured egg from between its teeth, a gift formed by time for you alone.


If the trees appear menacing under the dark of moon, you must move more slowly and allow your eyes to adjust. When fear subsides it can be replaced with wonder - choose to examine a pinecone and all the worlds contained within.


October Horoscopes: Nyx Above Ground


August Horoscopes: The Lion Ensnared