October Horoscopes: Nyx Above Ground

“The white fathers told us: I think, therefore I am. The Black mother within each of us — the poet — whispers in our dreams: I feel, therefore I can be free. Poetry coins the language to express and charter this revolutionary demand, the implementation of that freedom.”

— Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider

October belongs to Nyx, Goddess of the Night, daughter of Chaos. Nyx is said to emerge from her underworld cave each evening to block out the sun and reveal the black starry sky. During the solar eclipse in Libra October 2nd 11:49am ET, she will break from her routine and walk the earth midday.

This is the last eclipse in Libra for nine years and it is exactly conjunct Mercury, the South Node, and the Black Moon Lilith point. Together they give voice to the dark feminine and the creative void. Ruled by Venus in Scorpio, it echoes Lilith herself who refused to submit, Oya who would not contain the winds and rain of her jealous rage, and Kali who would never hide her belt of limbs or wipe the blood from her mouth to make you feel more comfortable. This terrifying, deep-feeling, sovereign woman is an archetype that lives within each of us, regardless of gender identity or relationship status. Get to know your Nyx this month and you’ll understand why she is the only one Zeus fears.

Venus forms a near-perfect grand trine with Mars and Saturn on October 4th. Whenever all three water signs are activated, we are asked to let emotion flow unbridled. There is magic in honest expression and cleansing through tears.

When Jupiter stations retrograde on the 9th and Pluto stations direct on the 11th, the winds of fate rapidly change direction. Do not be afraid to lower and raise your sails or to change course to align with this new flow. If you find yourself facing extreme resistance, try going around not through.

The Full Hunter’s moon in Aries on the 17th is brimming with agitated heat. This moon challenges its ruler Mars and aligns with both Chiron the wounded healer and Jupiter the amplifier. Its inflammatory nature is further enhanced with Venus’ move into fiery Sagittarius the next day. Embrace passion and a zest for life but be careful not to start unnecessary fights. Mercury will have crossed into Scorpio and your words are likely to carry more venom than intended.

We enter Scorpio season October 22nd and begin peeking into the portal between the living and the dead. The month ends as Mercury and Mars make aspects with Uranus and Neptune. Be prepared for sharp turns and eureka moments. Whatever you spark do your best to follow through, for Venus squares Saturn on the 28th. These planets and require discipline and technique to usher your greatest creations into existence. Let them guide you.

— October Horoscopes —


You stand before a bridge leading into the densest fog, will you step forward? For the past 18 months eclipses in your first house of self have pushed you into wilting and growing new shoots. What is old is gone and what is new beckons. Heart fluttering, the sky asks again - will you step forward?


Venus graces your sign this month and brings love and affection to the top of your mind. Are you hiding your heart behind a velvet rope? You are no stranger to big feelings, yet something lies hidden in your discard pile of vulnerability. Play new cards this month, there are lingering things that need to see light.


The Hunter’s moon speaks to you, archer, a dream illuminated on a darkened day. Divine through the cloud-painted sky and let your shadow puppets cast runes. The full moon ignites your inner child and there is pure knowing in a toddler’s wail. Hear yourself and act.


You are nearing the end of a major cycle as Pluto leaves your sign for good in November. These last weeks of Pluto in Capricorn will bring a generational matter to fullness, then to completion. Honor your inner journeys as much as your outer, for this work is the stuff of legends.


This eclipse series has shaken you, if only to expose the flimsy structures that once held your faith. As this month’s lunations command those towers of Babylon to come down, take note of what remains standing in the rubble. What do you truly believe? You’ll want to hold these truths close as you prepare for Pluto to fully enter your sign in November.


Death is the ultimate debt – out of all the signs you know best that our lives are on loan. As this last Libra eclipse wraps up a chapter of endings and mortality, take the lessons you’ve learned and make your way to happier skies ahead. The grand water trine is your amplifier, swell with the rolling waves and enjoy your next chapter.


If you formed your partner out of clay, what would you carve into their heart?  If you met your total opposite, what would you think of their shoes? This Libra eclipse is the last of its series and closes an 18-month chapter in your personal romance novel. Reflect on all you’ve learned about attraction and connection, and how they relate to the parts of yourself you choose to claim or displace.


Isolation, dissolution. What it means to be ill, what it means to be well, what it means to care and be cared for. With Aries ruling your 12th house you often meet vulnerability with defiance and anger. As this eclipse season comes to close, you are invited to reflect on interdependence and how you participate in the flexible web of life.


What have you birthed over the last 18 months? Has it fully come to fruition or do things need more time? The Libra eclipses have fallen in your 5th house of creativity, sex, children, and true love – all ways of bringing newness into the world via the fifth element. Both Jupiter and the Aries full moon ask your lifelong question: how will your gifts bring people together?


A scuttling hermit crab leaves its shell at will, knowing without knowing when to expand and when to stay put. Tuck away early this month when the last Libra eclipse jars your house of past and home. Emerge towards the full moon when it glows in your public house of fame and career. You are the tides not the pool - do not expect constant presence of yourself.


You are the lucky ant who found potato chips in the grass! Shuttling to and fro, you take bit by bit back to the colony. Does your route make sense? Are you carrying the right size pieces? Communicate this bounty to your peers on the full moon and ask for help bringing it home. You all will enjoy the spoils.


Money is a character in your comic book, how have you cast them? Are they your hero, villain, or sidekick? Perhaps they are a damsel in distress or a wise oracle spirit trapped in a tree. This month’s lunations ask you to flesh out this figure and edit them as needed. Remember you are the author and your pages are drawn in erasable ink.


2025: Year of Beginnings, Year of Belief


September Horoscopes: The Amphibious Self